Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Jim Jim - Throw us a bone!

One of my all time favourite wines is Jim Jim Shiraz by Hugh Hamilton. The problem is, I can never seem to get enough. I was cruising around the Vintages site thinking, where is Jim Jim? Of course I knew the answer - Jim Jim Shiraz is from McLaren Vale, Australia. The grapes are harvested in about late January/early February, at the height of the Summer, and shipped about two full years later after bottling which means Jim Jim arrives in the LCBO (if we are fortunate to get any) in about April or May. What I mean to say, is Jim Jim was long gone. Like a dog after a squirrel.

This year Jim Jim was released on May 2, 2009. I don't know what could have been more important, but by the time I got motivated, (I think the Monday following the release) it was almost gone. I think I snagged 2 or 3 bottles. And then of course, I had to try it. I had run out of the last batch about a year ago. I think that 2007 is even better than the 2006*. Raspberries, deep red cherries, a hint of tobacco, licorice, and vanilla, and a nice long finish. There may have even been 4 bottles, but they were so remarkably good, I all but squandered them away. Well, I had some help (Buck? Jim?). But now I am left with one.

So I googled Jim Jim. I was curious to find out if Jim Jim, the legendary dog, was still running the show down-under. I showed the pictures of Jim Jim to my son Little John. He was amazed to hear that a dog could be such a fine judge of grapes. He wondered how old Jim Jim is now. He commented that strolling around a vineyard chasing Kangaroos and tasting grapes sounds like a good time for a dog. He thought it would be great fun to be Jim Jim. So, I sent him an e-mail. Well not to Jim Jim, but to Hugh.

In addition to asking about Jim Jim, the main focus of my e-mail, I took the opportunity to ask when we might see some more wine in these parts. To my amazement, Hugh Hamilton wrote back and advised on Jim Jim (he is 13 years old, and is doing very well for an old pup) and that a new shipment of Jim Jim would be at the LCBO soon.

I will let you know once it is in, after I have a case in hand.

*My tasting note
Jim Jim Shiraz 2006
Big berry, black pepper, cherry, vanilla, hint of candied violet. Yum!

For more information on Jim Jim visit www.jimjim.com.au

LCBO VINTAGES 682005 750 mL bottle
Wine, Red Wine, 13.7% Alcohol/Vol. Sugar Content : XD

Made in: South Australia, Australia By: Hugh Hamilton Wines
Release Date: May 2, 2009

Tasting Note
Very appealing aromas - bright and fruity- cherry vanilla, allspice with creamy blackberry notes. Smooth and ripe with dense layers of briary fruit and spice, a full texture with nice acidity to balance and a delicious linger... (Daenna Van Mulligen, www.winediva.ca, Sept. 16, 2008)

1 comment:

  1. I am just making a comment to see what it looks like.
    Kind of weird commenting on a my own blog!
